In Their hearts human beings plan their course,but the LORD establishes their steps.~ Proverbs 16:9 TNIV
I glance at the list; it's overwhelming.
I can't find the list, I search to no avail.
I start a fresh list on a crisp piece of paper.
Oh, the sanctity and insanity of the list.
The list is me planning my course. Honestly, sometimes, my plans aren't realistic. If God were writing my list, it would be one half of what I cram onto that tiny post it note or recycled scrap of paper. So the list is AWOL and I'm left to search the recesses of my premenopausal mind for some shred of what was scribbled on the list. I write things down because I can't remember them and now, adding insult to the injury of my memory lapses, I can't remember where I put the list. So, I stop.....I cry out the the Master, "Oh, LORD establish my steps." I can make all the plans, all the lists that I want to. In the end, it is My Heavenly Father who guides my steps. Go where God sends you. Godspeed! ~ Kim
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